October 2010

Dear People of St. John’s:

At the end of this past quarter, St. John’s experienced a rather unpleasant situation that I can’t recall ever having come up like this before. We could not cover all our bills without withdrawing over $7,000 from our savings. We fully intend to pay this back over the next month, but we need everyone’s help. It is not a propitious time for this to happen. We are beginning our stewardship
campaign for next year, and it’s never wise to ask for multiple additional funds at once. We also all know how stressed for funds many worthy organizations are. Many of us are, too!

Nonetheless, it would be irresponsible of me not to say something and to affirm that your parish uses and conserves its resources wisely. Some of the pictures in this issue of the Eagle attest to the fine ministry that happens because of your gifts. If all of our regular donors gave an extra $100 this month, and if we all increased our giving by $300 next year, we would probably be in decent shape. Ifs are only ifs, and I realize some will not be able and some would be more than able to attain this goal. However, I do believe that together we have all the resources we need to be the witnesses and beacons of light God calls us to be.

St. John’s is not a weak parish. We have many strong points and we intend to build on them. Yes, we need your help, your prayers, and your commitment. Again, those of you who know me understand that I’m not comfortable writing this, but be assured that this comes from the heart, and that God believes in your and my abilities and abundance of resources more that we ourselves realize.

 Philip W. Snyder, Rector

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Musical Notes

It seems like the turn from summer into autumn was very fast this year. One week we’re at camp and it’s 95 degrees, and
the next we’re home, school and rehearsals have started, and we’re reaching for a sweater. Just like that, we’re off and
running on the new program year.

This promises to be a busy year musically at St. John’s. As always, all of our musical groups will participate in Sunday services on a regular basis. We currently have an adult choir, a youth choir [for middle school and high school students], a children’s choir [for elementary school students], a hand bell choir, and two quartets. Membership in these particular quartets is set, but all of the other groups are gladly welcoming new members. And, if you’re interested in forming a new quartet, that is always a possibility as well. There are no auditions for these groups; just come and join us. Weekly rehearsals usually follow this schedule:
Bells: Wednesdays, 6:45 – 8:15 PM, in the balcony. [enter through the nave]
Children’s Choir: Thursdays, 4:30 – 5:30 PM, in the choir room
Youth Choir: Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM, in the choir room
Adult Choir: Thursdays, 7:15 – 8:45 PM, in the choir room.

The choir room is next to the Chapman Room. Singers usually enter through the door between the nave and the parish house.

In addition to our regular parrticipation in Sunday services, we have several additional musical events planned for the 2010-2011 season. First, we will be presenting seasonal Evensongs throughout the year. Watch future editions of this newsletter and your Sunday bulletins for the dates!

We plan to organize a band to present a selection of Christmas carols before the early service on Christmas Eve. As always, we will have a concert before the late service as well. And, since Christmas is on Saturday this year, we will be presenting Lessons and Carols during the Sunday service on December 26th.

Last year’s production of Godspell taught us many things. One of the most important lessons was that producing theatrical events is expensive! While I do not plan to do another show like that this year, I do intend to host some fundraising events that will fund a production during 2011–2012. One of these will be a variety/talent show next spring. We have many talented people at St. John’s, and I would love to enjoy their gifts. Also, I’m interested in putting on some ‘silent movie’ evenings, with live accompaniment, as another fundraiser.

The only problem I see as I move into this year is getting everything I want to accomplish done! I’m so very blessed by the people at St. John’s—both the musical ones, and those who offer their support through kind words and financial assistance. Thanks to all of you for making the program so terrific. Come join us – it’s going to be an exciting year, with both familiar and new opportunities!

Nancy Radloff, Director of Music

Annual Harvest Supper
6 pm. Saturday,
October 23rd

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Youth Group News: Back in the Saddle! 

The time has now come when the rhythm of life for families with children gets back into a predictable pattern. Summer has ended, school has started and the extra-curricular activities are in full swing. The calendar at St. John's is no exception.

This fall bears such a great variety of service and fellowship opportunities for everyone from our eldest to youngest parishioner and after great planning meetings with the youth committee and Father Snyder, the Youth Group's events are coming together in a way that integrates nicely into the broader mission of the Church.

Our goal for the 2010-2011 school year is to Gather Together and Grow Together, just as it is for the entire Congregation. The first opportunity to do this is for the Junior High youth who have been invited to attend a weekend retreat in mid-October called New Beginnings. This event will be attended by other Episcopal youth from throughout the CNY Diocese and is a great opportunity to meet other people, and to inspire and be inspired.

Not to be left out, some of our high school members will be helping out as planning committee ambassadors for the first Ithaca-wide Christian Youth Service. Currently scheduled for Sunday evening, November 21st, our goal is to interject a sense of community among the young and faith-filled population of Ithaca. More details of this event will be shared as the planning committee gets into full swing.

Also in October, between services on Halloween day, the Youth Group will open the door to the newly renovated Youth Room, which will hopefully be a warm and comfortable place for all to gather before, between, or after services.

These exciting activities, together with the gorgeous sounds of our youth and children's choirs under Nancy Radloff's direction, and the Sunday School program, surely establish St. John's as a great place for families. I'd like to personally extend an invitation to all 6th - 12th graders who are not currently active in the youth group to join us whenever you'd like. We'll welcome you with open arms!

Warmest Regards,
Mindy Oakes, Youth Director

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Why Support St. John's?

In the coming weeks, the annual stewardship drive will begin, and St. John’s parishioners will be asked to prayerfully consider their financial support for the Church for 2011. As you begin to contemplate your commitment, you should know what a difference your gift will make, at St. John’s and beyond:

  • More than 75 percent of the Church’s income comes from annual gifts. This funding supports our worship services, music programs, Sunday School, youth group and more.

  • We not only house Loaves and Fishes, but we are the largest single supporter of this program.
  • We are host to Alcoholics Anonymous and Al Anon groups.

  • We support and staff the Interfaith Food Pantry of Area Congregations Together

  • We participate in the Salvation Army holiday gift programs.

  • Our outreach extends to St. John’s #5 Faith Church and the work of Love Knows No Bounds in New Orleans.

  • St. John’s has a world presence through our support of the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund, United Thank Offering, and our diocesan relief efforts in El Salvador.

These are just a small sample of the ways St. John’s touches the lives of its parishioners, our neighbors in Ithaca, and persons in need in more far-flung places. Your support truly makes a difference, and we will be most grateful for your participation in the upcoming stewardship campaign.

Submitted by Amy Cronin

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Outreach Committee Update

In recent meetings the Outreach Committee has been discussing ways to communicate outreach opportunities to the congregation. We believe that most parishioners know about the ongoing outreach programs that St. John’s supports, i.e. Loaves and Fishes, UTO, Salvation Army Christmas Family Program, the Food Pantry, Crop Walk and St. John’s #5 Faith Church in New Orleans. These programs can be supported with monetary gifts, volunteer time, or both. However, there are many more volunteer opportunities locally and additional regional, national
and international program funding opportunities. The committee has researched various avenues to connect to the many opportunities and believe that its energy is best served by providing the appropriate information to parishioners so that individuals can decide the best way to connect with the needs to fulfill our Christian responsibility to love and serve God as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.

Here are two Web sites that provide such information. www.volunteertompkins.org provides
volunteer opportunities at most of the Tompkins County not for profit organizations. One can also join the website as an individual by providing personal information relative to the kinds ofvolunteer activities of interest and skill. It is very comprehensive and an excellent way to begin
and sustain an active volunteer presence in the community. The other is the Episcopal Relief and Development Organization, www.er-d.org. The programs of ERD are international in scope and offer funding channels to most global natural disaster areas as well as address the Millennium
Development Goals established by the United Nations in the early 2000’s.

The committee will continue to provide information relative to local and broader geographic pportunities as listed above through the Eagle, parish forums and the Sunday Bulletin. If you have specific questions about St. John’s outreach or would like to become a committee member please contact any of the current members. They are, Scott Russell, Judith Wood, Amy Jaffe, Woodrow Miller, Jon Meigs and Cora Yao.

Scott Russell

Rita Demarest and Amelia Massi present Fr. Snyder with a token of appreciation for St. John's in assisting with the sponsoring of a family fun day and soccer clinic for the benefit of St. Vincent's Center for Children, in Haiti. Under the auspices of The Episcopal Church, St. Vincent's provides special surgeries and crutches, braces and wheelchairs for children who are deaf, blind, or have orthopedic needs. $8,000 was raised by this ecumenical endeavor.

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The campers of our Youth Choir Camp in front of St. Matthew’s Church in Moravia, where they offered an Evensong Service for the parish and wider community in this beautiful historic church. Your support made it possible for every child who wished to, to attend camp.
Over the summer, Taryn Chubb resigned as our Sr. Warden to accept a position as Assistant Professor of Art History at East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma. At the vestry's very Impromptu "going away" party, Charlie Ciccone (warden) presents Taryn with a print of some of her favorite things of Ithaca, i.e., St. John's and the Johnson Art Museum.
St. John's Choir Camp, 2010: At the waterfront at Camp Casowasco. The Blob is an educational device
in applied physics. The person on the right jumps from the high platform and sends the person on the left,
high into the air and then down into the water. Surprisingly none of the adults tried it. Again, your
support provided this enjoyable lesson in physics on a very warm summer's afternoon.

