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Rector's Sermon - Sunday, 15 April 2007

First Reading
Psalm Epistle Gospel
Acts 5:27–32 Psalm 150 Revelation 1:4–8 John 20:19–31

       The magnificent surprise and triumph of the Easter story is not complete without the account of the questioning Thomas. It is not by accident that this is the Gospel passage chosen by the church to be read a week after Easter Day.  In many ways Thomas is the disciple for all of us living in the 21st. century. The inclusion in John’s Gospel of Thomas’ encounter with the risen Christ tells us that even in the vulnerable and confounding areas of our existence, signs of the resurrection may arise and bloom. The remarkable thing about Christian discipleship is that it not only allows and accepts questioning and doubt, it comes close to actually encouraging it.

       None of us are ever born a Christian, no matter who our parents were. We cannot inherit Christianity, we all must choose to become a Christian. It may be chosen for us that we will be brought up in the family of faith, but then there inevitably comes a time when we decide whether or not to re-confirm this choice, and to remain an active part of a community of faith. The church community is built one person at a time. It is an evolutionary community that is constantly changing and we with it.            

       It is important to note that the risen Lord did not frown at Thomas’ questions, nor was Thomas subject to humiliation and embarrassment. Jesus simply said in effect, “Thomas, I know you were not here before. I know you have all sorts of concerns. That’s o.k., now come closer.” The Gospel never tells whether or not Thomas actually put his finger into Jesus’ side or felt the print of the nails, but Thomas learns that Jesus understands where he is coming from. Thomas knows that new life has indeed touched him. What we are given is a precious insight that God respects the ambiguities and uncertainties of our humanity. God does not put down honest doubt and struggle. Instead of condemning us for it, God always invites us to come closer.

       Jesus sends us out of this place every week of the year, to bind up, to reconcile, and to heal. We are given God’s peace to pass and we are all aware that we are free to neglect God’s call to bind-up, we are free to fail to share the gifts God gives us, and to refuse to participate in God’s mission. We are given God’s love as a gift, but we are never given God’s absolute truth to brandish as a weapon, or a divine certainty to use as a straightjacket on others. People who use such shackles are never sent as God sent Jesus, and as Jesus sends us.  God’s grace is never, never to be forced fed. Nothing destroys the Good News of the Gospel as quickly and totally as attempts to impose it by threats, however subtle they may be.

       The Gospel reminds us we don’t have all the answers to life’s great questions, and never will on this earth. The Good News from the Gospel is that we don’t need all our questions answered to be part of the community of faith. Struggling over God’s call and what it means does not disqualify us from receiving God’s peace beyond all understanding. Indeed God’s peace is beyond all understanding and we all receive it at varying speeds. 

       Hence the sign of resurrection comes even through our tears of pain, dust of disillusionment, the horror of continuing war in the world and the vague, unfocused threat of senseless terrorism. Thomas provides us with a special kind of blessing by providing an example of what being an Easter person of integrity and sensitivity in today’s world usually goes through. Then, as now, disciples are sent as sheep among not a few wolves. We will likely be wounded and our hearts from time to time will be filled with uncertainty. However, the Easter message remains. Jesus is alive and loose out there. Even when we seem to be in swelling seas of perplexity and confusion, Jesus invites us to come a little closer.

      And I offer this to you in the name of the Living God, Amen.