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St. John’s Sunday worship services are in-person and ONLINE
All are welcome to worship with us at any time, day or night!

About Us

About UsWe are an inclusive, progressive and diverse Christian community, dedicated to loving others as Christ has loved us. We welcome all who wish to join us.


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We extend a warm welcome to all visitors! Connect with us through our weekly newsletter The Fledgling, or scroll down to Happening Now.


The Fledgling 
Opportunities to Engage

Prayer Requests

Prayer RequestsLet us know if you have a prayer request for yourself or someone else, and we’ll include it in our Sunday bulletin. For indefinite requests, please submit a new request each week. If you have a pastoral care emergency, please call our office or email us.

Volunteer to help at Loaves & Fishes

Loaves and Fishes needs volunteers! Help greet and provide meals to the hungry.

Lunch is served Monday, Wednesday and Friday; dinner is served Tuesday and Thursday. Shifts are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00-11:30 and 11:15-2:15; and Tuesday and Thursday 2:00-5:00 and 4:45-7:45.

Volunteers are needed, especially for the 2:30-5:00 pm and 4:45-7:45 pm shifts on Tuesday and Thursday.

Please see if you can help or are interested in learning more.

Liturgical Season

The season of Pentecost is the longest season in the Church year. It begins the Monday following the Day of Pentecost and lasts until the season of Advent begins. It may include as many as 28 Sundays, depending on the date of Easter. This includes Trinity Sunday which is the First Sunday after Pentecost, when we are reminded that God is a Triune God, in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), but just one God.

The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) provides proper collects and readings for the other Sundays of the season, which are numbered and designated for use on the Sundays which are closest to specific days in the monthly calendar. For example, Proper 3 is designated for use, if needed, on the Sunday closest to May 25. Proper 29 is designated for use on the Sunday closest to Nov. 23.

This period is also understood by some as “ordinary time,” a period of the church year not dedicated to a particular season or observance. The word “ordinary” comes from the word “ordinal”, which simply means “ordinary time” is “counted time”. The season of Pentecost is often referred to as the non-festival half of the church year because during this time the Christian Church does not celebrate a major festival commemorating the life of Jesus. During the season of Pentecost, the Christian Church focuses on the teachings of Jesus.

Happening Now!

Transition Update! – The St. John’s Search Committee has taken input from parishioner surveys and completed the first two steps in the search process – the parish profile and the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) portfolio! The Vestry has approved the use of both documents. The parish profile is posted prominently at and the more detailed OTM portfolio has been submitted to The Rev. Canon Megan Castellan, Canon to the Ordinary for Formation and Mission Development, for entry into the Office of Transition Ministry database.

A metaphor often used to describe the relationship between a rector and a parish is marriage; a parish profile and OTM portfolio would then be like an online dating profile.

At the diocesan level, Canon Megan enters our OTM portfolio into the national database, our Diocese advertises the position nationally, and rector candidates examine our OTM portfolio first, and then our parish profile before sending their applications to Canon Megan. She then goes through them and passes a vetted list on to the Search Committee, which then reads through candidate documentation, selects a subset for a first interview (via Zoom), then winnows the list down to a manageable number for a second interview. After the second round of interviews, the Search Committee will submit its consensus recommendation to the Vestry for its consideration.

With this timeline, we are hopeful that the Vestry could issue a call to our next rector as early as this autumn!

Summer Choir Practice in the church on Sundays at 9:00 am to sing at the 10:00 am service.  All are welcome! No previous singing experience required!

Laundry Love  is doing more laundry than ever before!  If you would like to help out, and do someone’s laundry, let the office know.

  • Laundry Love needs extra tote/grocery bags so guests can carry their things home in comfort! If you have spare grocery/tote bags (those fabric-ish ones you pay 5 cents for are perfect) bring them by the church!
  • The Dignity Pantry provides hygiene items, socks, underwear, and other necessities to our guests who come to Loaves and Fishes and Laundry Love. The Dignity Pantry is running low on detergent, diapers, shampoo, toothpaste, and other hygiene necessities.