Luke Harbert has a Caring Bridge Web Site; call or email the parish office for the site password. Ed Neuhauser and Sarah Steuteville also have Caring Bridge pages (Ed is Peg Coleman’s husband). Caring Bridge allows family members and friends to receive consistent information and offer support via a single website, and eliminates the need to place and receive numerous telephone calls. Visitors who are provided the personal Website address (or URL) and password (if password required) can read updates on the patient’s condition, post their own messages of support and encouragement to the family, and offer support (via the Caring Bridge “Planner”).

To access Sarah’ Caring Bridge Planner, you will need a Caring Bridge account; signup is at

Regarding assistance with nutrition, Peg would appreciate small meals that she can enjoy or freeze until she and Ed can eat together again after his throat heals. She is fond of veggies and beans, fish, shellfish, and chicken, and her favorite beverages are Guinness and mango lassi. 

For more information, call the Parish Office at 273-6532.