Transition Update! – The St. John’s Search Committee has taken input from parishioner surveys and completed the first two steps in the search process – the parish profile and the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) portfolio! The Vestry has approved...
Palm Sunday, April 2 8am – Rite 1 Eucharist 10:30am – Rite 2 Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms and Procession Wednesday, April 5 7pm – Tenebrae, a service of contemporary story, Scripture, and music, contemplating darkness and light as we enter the...
The farm bill is legislation that is critical to ending hunger in the U.S. and internationally. As Congress renews our food and farm programs through the farm bill, please write or email your representatives and urge them to support legislation that builds healthy,...
There will be ONE service at 10am on Sunday August 21. Joit us at the Stewart Park Large Pavilion for Eucharist, singing, and a dish to pass lunch afterwards.
Mtr. Megan’s sermon: 29 May 2022
Holy Week Schedule: Palm Sunday, April 10: 8am, Rite 1; 10:30 am Rite 2 with music Wednesday, April 13: 7pm Tenebrae (online only) Maundy Thursday, April 14: 7pm Rite 2 Eucharist with optional Foot-washing (also live-streamed) Good Friday, April 15: 12pm Good Friday...