Search Update

The Parish Profile is complete and posted, the St. John’s ministry profile is in the Transition Ministry database, and the Search Committee has completed 2 sets of interview questions for the first and second rounds of interviews! Now comes the hard part –...

Happening Now!

Transition Update! – The St. John’s Search Committee has taken input from parishioner surveys and completed the first two steps in the search process – the parish profile and the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) portfolio! The Vestry has approved...

Section Leaders Needed

Opening for 2 women and 2 men covering 4 voice parts as anchors in our Chancel Choir Schedule is normally 9:00 – 10:15 rehearsal; 10:30 – 11:45 service Stipend is $65/Sunday. Begins Saturday Sept 7 with retreat 9-12, then every Sunday thereafter. Strong...

Holy Week/Easter 2023 Schedule

Palm Sunday, April 2 8am – Rite 1 Eucharist 10:30am – Rite 2 Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms and Procession Wednesday, April 5 7pm – Tenebrae, a service of contemporary story, Scripture, and music, contemplating darkness and light as we enter the...