All Saints’ Day

  is Sun., Nov. 1 (set your clocks back). Please send names for the necrology remembrance list to the office by 10/28. Music for the 10:30 Choral Eucharist will include an anthem by Handel, Baroque organ music, and beloved seasonal hymns.

Area Congregations Together Thanksgiving Service

WHAT: Area Congregations Together Multi-faith Thanksgiving Service WHEN: Sunday, 11/22/15, 3 p.m. WHERE: Friends Meetinghouse, Corner of Madison St. and 3rd St., Ithaca WHY: Celebrate Our Community in Thanksgiving WHOM: All are invited to hear and reflect on 4...


 …TO PRISONS OVER DINNER When: Saturday, October 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. Where: St. John’s Parish Hall (the space used for Loaves and Fishes) What is it? In July, we held an event called Drugs Over Dinner as part of national campaign to start community...