When: Saturday, October 17, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: St. John’s Parish Hall (the space used for Loaves and Fishes)

What is it? In July, we held an event called Drugs Over Dinner as part of national campaign to start community conversations over the dinner table about drugs and addiction. We got a lot of positive feedback and requests for other events, so this time around we’ve decided to branch out into a different topic.

Who’s coming to dinner? We’re inviting people from all walks of life – elected officials, people in law enforcement, and people who’ve been involved in the criminal justice system. Everyone will sit at tables of 8 to 10 to have small group discussions during the meal.

OK, so what do I bring? It’s a potluck, so bring something. We’re not assigning people to specific courses or dishes, so bring whatever you want.

Anything else I should know? We are requesting that everybody try to RSVP so we have some idea of headcount. Find out how to RSVP by contacting the church office (607-273-6532 or the form at Contact Us). Also, when you RSVP we – that’s Keri and co- organizers Jess and Laura – will respond with a short article to read and a short video to watch so that everyone has a common starting point for discussion.

Can I bring a guest? Yes, just mention it when you RSVP.
If you have additional questions, contact a member of our Outreach Committee