NEW THIS YEAR: YOUTH GROUP: St. John’s will offer a youth group for our youth, 5th grade and up. The group will initially meet once a month at the church, right after the 10:30 service. We will incorporate matters of faith, service and fun activities. For those in the Bell Choir, accommodations have been made allowing you to miss rehearsal to attend youth group.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Our class for pre-k thru 5th grade will be held at both 8:00 (in the nursery/Youth Room, up the stairs by the Parish Hall entry to the nave) and 10:30 (in the Parish Hall). Children will meet their families in the nave at the peace. This year, we will use a curriculum put out by the Episcopal Church that follows the lectionary so that children and parents will hear the same message each week. Our High School offering will also be held at 10:30.
The adult formation group is a combination of book study and bible study. This fall, we have the added pleasure of including people interested in Confirmation, and we will incorporate material appropriate for those interested in being Confirmed at a later date when the Bishop visits St. John’s. We will once again be meeting between the services in the Chapman Room at 9:15. Lisa Tatusko will lead the group and Rev. Barb will participate.
NEW BEGINNINGS: Calling all Middle Schoolers! How would you like to spend a weekend with like minded kids from around the diocese and share your faith, hopes, and dreams? New Beginnings might be just what you’re looking for. This really is a fun weekend and it would be great to see a large group from St. John’s attend the event this fall. The Fall 2016 Retreat Weekend will be September 23-25 at Grace Episcopal Church in Baldwinsville. And it’s FREE this year. You can monitor the Diocesan website or the bulletin for further information. If you have any questions, please see Lisa Tatusko