Are you interested in being a Lay Eucharistic Minister (assist with communion and reading either the Epistle or the Prayers of the People) or Lector (read the Old Testament)? People are needed for both services, but especially for the 8AM service. Please see either Jim Johnson, Mike Roman or Pam Talbott, or call the church office at 273-6532 for more information.
- 8:00 AM Bulletin
- Greeter: Mary Arlin
- Liturgical Ministers
- First Lesson: Mary Arlin
- Prayers of the People: Lloyd Hall
- Epistle: Lloyd Hall
- 10:30 AM Bulletin
- Greeter: TBA
- Acolytes: Amber Massa, Matthew Stedinger
- Liturgical Ministers
- First Lesson: Jennifer Amburg
- Prayers of the People: Peg Coleman
- Epistle: Matthew Stedinger
Altar Guild: TBA
Counter: Mary Arlin