for people people living in poverty or hunger – this coming Sunday (10/27) during coffee hour, the Episcopal Peace Fellowship invites you to participate in an offering of letters urging our nation’s leaders to replace sequestration with a balanced plan. We will provide the envelopes, stamps, and letters to elected officials for you to read and sign.
Even though the government has re-opened, automatic cuts known as sequestration will continue to harm the working poor and struggling families. In 2013 alone, sequestration will mean 4 million fewer meals served to poor seniors through programs like Meals on Wheels, 70,000 children pushed out of Head Start, and 2 million people around the world will lose some or all access to lifesaving food aid. These numbers are just for this year; sequestration’s harmful effects will continue to grow in the coming years unless Congress acts.
St John’s feeds the hungry through our involvement in Loaves and Fishes, the Crop Walk, Kitchen Cupboard, and other fine ministries. While these charitable and private responses to hunger are essential, they do not have the reach or scope of our nation’s nutrition programs.
The Episcopal Peace Fellowship has a web site at:
A Christian advocate for social justice has said, “The Bible speaks more about justice than it does about anything else — except for love. But in the end, justice is nothing more than love turned into social policies.”