Ithaca Welcomes Refugees (IWR) organized last year to prepare for accepting refugees to Ithaca. Over the ensuing months IWR has learned that approximately 50 individuals will be targeted for Ithaca over the next twelve months by the national organization that controls refugee immigration. St. John’s Mission Committee contacted IWR several months ago to learn how we could participate in the process. IWR has four direct service committees; Volunteer recruitment, Housing, Employment and Basic Needs. We recently met with a representative from the Basic Needs Committee and learned that much of the required household set up items are being collected and stored in preparation for refugee arrival. Still needed are personal hygiene kits. We accepted the challenge to provide four such kits as St. John’s contribution to the need. Each kit will include standard size containers of deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste and either feminine hygiene products or razors. We are asked to provide two kits for men and two for women.
To accomplish this task the Mission Committee will provide a marked collection box at the entrance to the sanctuary each of the next three Sundays, 10/23, 10/30, and 11/6. There will also be a marked container for cash gifts as an alternative to the above listed products. It is suggested that, if you choose cash, to give $5.00 or $10.00. The committee will report the results of the initiative after the 11/6 collection. If you have questions please contact a member of the Mission Committee, Scott Russell, Susan Dunlop, Margaret Johnson, John Jackson or Florianna Blanton.
This outreach activity is in addition to the regularly scheduled biweekly requests for foodstuffs and personal hygiene products for the Kitchen Cupboard and Catholic Charities.