A day with neurologist and best-selling author, Dr. Andrew Newberg 
Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital 
Professor and Director of Research, Brind Center of Integrative Medicine 
and a pioneer in “neurotheology” (study of religious & spiritual experiences)


Wednesday, October 8th, 2014, 1-5:30 pm

The Syracuse University Sheraton Hotel on the SU Hill
(Fee includes hotel garage parking on site)

$45 EARLY BIRD RATE (by 9/11)
$60 REGULAR RATE (by 9/26)

REGISTER at www.compasscny.org/events
Got Questions? Contact Kathy Dengler at kdengler@cnyepsicopal.org 

The Compass Institute is a venture of the Episcopal Diocese of CNY inviting exploration and public dialogue for anyone intrigued by the interface of science, the arts, postmodern life, and spiritual 

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