2013 children’s Christmas pageant

will be performed during the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, December 22nd. Any children interested in being in the pageant would need to come to the Sunday School, from 9:15 to 10:15 AM (between the services) on December 15th and December 22nd. Also, if your child is...

Christmas Adopt-a-Family

The Outreach Committee is happy to announce that all of the tags have been taken from the giving tree. Please remember that all gifts need to be delivered to the parish office by Sunday, December 15 for sorting and delivery to the families at the Salvation Army...

Christmas Adopt-a-Family

Visit the gift tree in the Parish Hall 11/24, 12/1 or 12/8 and select one or more gift tags identifying gifts for specific children of the two families we are supporting this year. All gifts need to be delivered to the parish office by Sunday, December 15 for delivery...


Thursdays at 8 pm (Sept 12 – Nov 14), the Rev. Dr. Clark R. West, Episcopal chaplain at Cornell, will be offering a 10 week course in Church history. This will be a “seminary” style course, with lots of primary texts covering the apocalyptic origins...


for people people living in poverty or hunger – this coming Sunday (10/27) during coffee hour, the Episcopal Peace Fellowship invites you to participate in an offering of letters urging our nation’s leaders to replace sequestration with a balanced plan....